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 What is FMN?

A governed conceptual framework consisting of people, processes and technology to plan, prepare, establish, use and terminate Mission Networks in support of federated operations. FMN is built on lessons learned from the Afghanistan Mission Network (AMN) implementation and on the NATO Network Enabling Capability (NNEC) Programme. It is based on trust, willingness and commitment.​


​An association of NATO, NATO nations and non-NATO entities participating in missions, each retaining control of their own capabilities and affairs while accepting and complying with the requirements as laid out in the pre-negotiated and agreed arrangements. A federation is not hierarchical.

 FMN Affiliate

​Organization or nation that performs enduring activities to maintain and further develop the capabilities required to establish and operate mission networks. FMN Affiliates will routinely take part in verification, validation and collective training events to ensure their forces and assets remain fully interoperable and once they have reached the level of compliance required for the federation of Mission Networks, may become Mission Network Participants. ​

 FMN Framework

​A governed, managed, all-inclusive structure providing processes, plans, templates, enterprise architectures, capability components and tools needed to plan, prepare, develop, deploy, operate, evolve and terminate Mission Networks in support of Alliance, and multinational operations in dynamic, federated environments.

The FMN Framework is providing a permanent ongoing foundation to ensure that mission networks are established and managed efficiently for the purpose of operations, exercises, training or interoperability verifications.

 FMN Idea

FMN Idea For further information please see the FMN Video, CWIX 2016 on FMN​, SFCT17 on FMN.

 FMN Portal's Mission

​To support FMN Affiliates in the conduct of their missions by efficient and effective information management, enabling information sharing within and between NATO, the Nations and their respective Communities of Interest.

 Login or Request Access

​For new users to login and request an access, visit here and specify the requirement to access FMN portal in the provided "Request Access".

If you have COI account and are assigned with right permissions to access FMN Portal already, click here

Instantiation of the NATO Response Force 2020 Mission Network
FMN Working Groups Meetings
FMN Seminar 2018
The CCOE in The Hague hosted an workshop on the topic of Federated Mission Networking
FMN on Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
FMN collocated meeting hosted by the NATO C2COE
Federating two systems (U.S. and Polish)
FMN underpins the interoperability, resilience and agility
Jornada informativa sobre “Federated Mission Networking”
It is essential to have networks that channel information among allies
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